Friday, September 14, 8:40 p.m., Bangkok
We started our day off by inadvertently sleeping in, so when we awoke, we discovered we had only one hour to get everybody dressed, eat breakfast, cross the street (not as easy as one might think when there are cars 8-wide on a 6-lane avenue and motorcycles and scooters zooming in and out between all the cars!), hail a taxi, and get to the US embassy by 8:30 a.m. The good news is that we did it! The better news is that our visa interview went smoothly. And the best news is that the immigration officer told us to wait and they would process the kids' visas before we left. We didn't have to return later to pick them up! Mo says that "never" happens. Prayer is making a difference!! So that means all of our official business is over! Praise the Lord!
We were hoping to be able to change our tickets and come home right away, but it looks like we will be spending the weekend here after all. Tomorrow, we'll take the skytrain to the zoo. And Sunday, we might make a daytrip to the beach. It all depends on how well Beth and Jack are doing. Jack hasn't been getting his usual nap each day, so he is usually pretty exhausted by 7 or 7:30 p.m.
After we said goodbye to Mai and Noi, we went upstairs to check on the Baurs, who had just today admitted their son, Miles, because he has pneumonia and needs IV antibiotics. They had to check out of the hotel and were camped out in Miles' room. They were supposed to fly home this evening, but now will also be spending the weekend here. Please pray for little Miles--he can't seem to keep anything in his stomach, has a high fever, and has trouble breathing.
We are somewhat concerned for Jack and Beth's health as well. Both have sinus congestion and bad coughs. We've got cold medicine, vitamins and airborne, so hopefully by the time we fly, they will be over their colds. (By the way, Beth only had two sips of my coffee, you guys!)
Both kids are becoming more affectionate toward us. Jack is starting to say "Mommy" and his hugs just melt our hearts. Beth is more hesitant, but still enjoys cuddling when we initiate it. Both have tempers when they don't get their way, and so we just pick our battles and make sure we win. They are just testing the boundaries. The laughter far outweighs the few tears, and we would just about give anything to know what Beth jabbers on and on about! That girl can talk!
We had another good day of swimming and Beth even tried on her swimsuit--although not until we were back in the room and taking baths. Oh well. At least she tried it on without crying! Jack still won't get in the pool, but he sure has fun splashing and kicking the beach ball across it!
Daddy went out for "take-away" again and after dinner everyone just relaxed. It was a good end to a long day!
I had no doubt that your papers would come through by today. Our God is so wonderfully awesome and I know you have a special place in His heart that He will just bless you over and over! He loves His fantabulous children, just as we do!
I am so blessed by your blog, it is the first thing I check in the morning. Thank you so much for sharing and letting us join in your adventure. I will pray for your flight and for peace for the children. (did you pack melatonin?) ;-) Hugs and Blessings to all.
I will be praying for the Bauers and poor Miles.
Shawn and I look forward to meeting the little one's, and getting to know them.
I have BIG GIFTS planned. shhhhhh :)I check your blog everyday, and can't wait to read all the goings on!
We are anticipating your safe return and tons of love to you 4.!
Yes, this blog is addictive. They might be getting colds from the air conditioning...especially if they aren't used to it. Or could be the coffee! =) Hee, hee
God is awsome. He is definatly blessing you, answering prayers and working miracles. We will continue to pray for safe travel and health for your precious children, and Miles.
I love reading your blog. What a great way to keep in touch and let everyone continue to pray for you and your new family's needs. We look forward to hearing more.
The kiddos are looking forward to many playdates. Remember, as Beth and Jack grow and learn, so you, as parents will to.
May God continue to Bless You.
Love to you all.
Hi you guys!! We are SO excited for you!! So many wonderful adventures. We can't wait to see you all safe and sound back here in our neighborhood!! We drove by your house yesterday, and all seemed secure and ready for your arrival!
We love you guys!! GO COFFEE!!! Might as well get em started early in their addiction I always say. :^)
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